THE SAGINAW SOUTHERN RAILROAD 1898-1909 


    (6/15/21: This information was originally included in the first post of this Blog. It was potentially buried deep within the posting, thusly not being read and enjoyed. This will be continually updated as time allows. Be sure to visit the other posts that are related to the Saginaw Southern.)
Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company, Williams Mill 
(Arizona Memory Project; Williams, Arizona Historic Photo Collection.
 A copy of the original scan is available at the Williams Historic Photo Project)

The new Williams mill needed timber, and the company looked south to the vast timber holdings waiting to be harvested. During this time period, railroad fever had gripped the imagination of more than one corporate board. A north-south line would shorten the haul of products from the high-country mills, to the burgeoning markets of Prescott and Jerome. 
In 1883, one such route was attempted from Flagstaff, Arizona. Proposed in 1881, the Arizona Mineral Belt Railroad would build south to Globe, Arizona (Schupper 23, 24.) Work began midsummer of 1883 on a tunnel to pierce the Mogollon Rim. By September, the money had run out. Additional funding was found, but by 1887 the project was $30,000 in debt (Schupper 29,30.) On December 4, 1888 the remaining assets were sold at auction. Renamed the Central Arizona Railroad in 1889, the financial panic of 1893 brought this plan to an end (Stein 7.)
The Saginaw Southern Railroad was incorporated as a common carrier railroad on September 22, 1898. Whether this can be considered an overreach by a logging company with aspirations to becoming a major player on the railroad map, is a subject for debate. At a minimum, if the line failed as connecting route, it would still allow access to the vast timber holdings. Whatever the outcome of such debates, it proved to be a bold move by a conservative group of investors. 
As a common carrier, the Saginaw Southern was allowed to condemn private property for the right of way. Any disputes had to be resolved in court (Stein 31.) The wagon haulage of logs to the mill would be replaced by the railroad. The new railroad had aspirations of reaching Jerome, and possibly Prescott, AZ. (Fuchs 144.) One early map, dated July 23, 1918, showed a proposed route south from Williams connecting with Perkinsville, along the Verde River (map with letter, July 23, 1918, NAU Cline Library special collections.)
The Saginaw Lumber Company decided to proceed south from Williams with all speed. Work began in earnest during the fall of 1898. By June 30, 1899, three locomotives were running over 6 miles of track. Just past the Barney Flats Area, the railroad grade encountered obstacles not unknown to experienced construction crews (These were men who had learned their trade in the Michigan forests.) Canyons, hills, and marshy meadows were given their due consideration, then were overcome by tried-and-true methods.
The route of the Saginaw Southern. It generally follows 
Perkinsville Road, 
until diverging on FR 354.

The grade intersected the old Overland Road, an 85-mile wagon road stretching from Flagstaff to the Fort Whipple-Prescott area. In use from 1863-1882, it was used by the military and civilians to travel to and from the nearby settlements. Vast herds of sheep were moved along the road from the valley to the summer grazing areas in the high country. At one time there were three separate seasonal migration trails leading into the high country.  An old-time forester once said that records indicated some 175,000 sheep passed by in one year on just one trail. The road was less traveled when the grading crews came to the area.
The old Overland Road would have been known to the surveyors, and to think that they used part of the trail by coincidence would be unlikely. The old road provided access from Summit Tank, through a narrow canyon, descending a steep southerly grade of about 3%, and to the northeast of Davenport Knoll. The line would then curve to the northwest of the Knoll (now private property), reaching Davenport Tank. From there, the line headed in a southerly direction, trying to make the best of the difficult terrain until abruptly ending somewhere south. 
Overland Road, Davenport Tank Area. 
RED designates the route of the Saginaw Southern.
 BLUE is Davenport Knoll. 
YELLOW indicates the steep grades and canyon area.

                    Further along Perkinsville Road, FR354 splits to the south. 
This road generally follows the grade until reaching Summit Tank.  
Near the  Tank, a visitor parking area is locate on the right, with a
 historical marker for the old Overland Road. The roadbed diverges 
from FR354, following  FR57 to the canyon.  

Historical Sign

Forest Road as it heads south to the canyon. 
The canyon road is very steep, and rocky. 
Only a 4x4 will make it. I usually park at the top of the grade, 
and walk down the grade, to the Davenport Knoll area.
 FR57 becomes FR570 

Davenport area. 
One question remains; why didn't the railroad continue on to the far-flung horizon, namely Jerome? Later reports, circa 1921, stated that the railroad had chosen the worst of surveys, causing a financial strain (Stein, 31,91.)  The area for many square miles is studded with steep hills and rock-strewn gulches. Geared locomotives, such as Shays then in operation, would have had little trouble traversing the steep canyon grade. Shays have remarkable traction, but they are also slow in operation. The canyon is a seasonable dry wash; the monsoon season's torrential rains would devour the roadbed at will.  Efficient and safe operations would be jeopardized by the challenges of a difficult survey. 
  Rumors of extensions occurred in 1901 and 1909 (Fuchs 144.)  The railroad would have to justify the cost of expansion by providing some other source of revenue, besides logging. Laying rail through the Verde Canyon to the productive mines of Jerome might be the answer. This hope was soon dashed, as the Verde Valley Railroad built through the Verde Canyon to Clarkdale in 1911-1912 (Wahmann, 21.) This effectively cut off any hopes of any further southward expansion. One can imagine that the company retreated to higher ground, where quality timber stands could be harvested. 
With all hopes of expansion having been quashed, the operation would revert to the everyday mundane task of a logging railroad. It is also possible that people (including the newspapers) continued to refer to the old line by its former name, long after the legal identity had ended. The length of the line fluctuated, until in 1904 when the line was first reported abandoned (Glover; Stein, 31.) The rail bed reached no further south than section 29-T20N, R2E. This would be in the area of Deadman Wash and May Tank. (Stein 31.) 
Further south on the remnants of the line, the quality of timber became dubious. Old cut logs still exist, revealing knotty snags not worthy of the mill. The grade appears to end abruptly at a rock ledge, lending credibility that further southward expansion was not worth the financial investment. South of this point, the proposed grade entered the juniper forest zone, sparsely dotted with small mines. 
It is possible that the corporate identity of the Saginaw Southern ended in 1904 or 1909. To abandon the status as a common carrier at an earlier date would cause problems for any chance of future expansion. The Williams News proudly proclaimed in their banner that the Saginaw Southern was a resource well into 1912. Local residents would have refered to the southern line by its original name, just as they referred  to the mill as the "Saginaw" for many years to come.
    If the Saginaw Southern was revived as a common carrier entity, then the company could once again exercise condemnation rights on private lands. In1921, they attempted to revive the rights with the Arizona Corporation Commission, at a time when an all-S&M East-West mainline was being proposed (Stein, 37.)
Additional information, supported by archaeological evidence, indicates that a robust and active presence of the logging railroad existed beyond 1904. It was reported that 3 locomotives of the Saginaw Southern were working south of Williams in 1908 (Fuchs 181.) 
The Saginaw and Manistee Lumber and Timber Company was active over a vast area. Timber rights were held South of Williams, generally spreading west of Perkinsville Road; southeast to the Tule and Saginaw tanks; south from Williams to Pine Flat Tank near FR105; North of Bear Canyon, and West of Sunflower Flats. According to S. Sales Kaibab, South End Unit, 7/30/35 (NAU Map 522), There are indications on the maps that some sections were harvested prior to 1907. 
    Later timber sales occurred along Pine Flat Road, to JD Dam, as far as Bear Canyon in 1935-1937. Further research by the author indicates in this the specific area and time period mechanized harvesting, and trucks ruled the roads. 

(Additional information will be forthcoming, as I plan another "expedition' to the area. This will include photographs of the canyon and grade, and documentation of the area I think is the end of the line.) 

Barney Flats Historical Area
(Additional information is available on the separate Post)


Several miles south of Williams, on the Perkinsville Road, the topography opens to a vast marshy valley; this is the Barney Flats Historical Area. The Saginaw Southern crossed this area as it headed south. One of the significant features, the remains of the roadbed that could date back to 1898, is located just to the North of the Site.

Perkinsville Road, looking South, just before dropping down the ridgeline. 
The roadbed is just to the west of this location, where it descends into the flats.

The old roadbed

Looking South towards Barney Flats

    The historical designation was given for the significant stump field and related artifacts that dot the landscape. The Flats are used to research everything from pre-harvest tree density to the harvesting techniques of early loggers. This area is a protected Historical Site area and should be treated with respect. 
This area became a central point for the logging railroad, as numerous spurs reached into the woods to the west and east, feeding the mainline with timber for the mill. Research by the author does not indicate a large permanent camp at this location, although the level of activity shown by the artifacts indicate a temporary camp was once located nearby.
Barney Flats is central to the railroad spurs fanning out into the woods. One such spur traversed flat lands and hills, followed the rocky bed of Big Spring Canyon, and ended west of Willow Spring.  All of the evidence indicates that this line was operating at the time when the Saginaw Southern line was still in operation (additional information is provided in the Big Spring Canyon post.) 
To the west of Barney Flats, two spurs accessed the southern watershed of the Bill Williams Mountain Area. Little remains of the two spurs, yet the Forest Service Maps indicate one existed, and the other may well be an undocumented line. One of the spurs generally follows FR 108, past Coleman Lake to the Jackass Flat area.
The other spur appears to start at the intersection of FR3110 and Highway 73 (Perkinsville Road.) Satellite imaging shows the potential grade crossing Cougar Park, then entering Hell Canyon. This entire region  is rugged, steep and challenging to traverse. 

   Appears to be 2 Truck Shay #556, and a second unidentified Shay. Both working the line in Barney Flats area, circa 1900. This would be on the original Saginaw Southern.  Courtesy National Archives, neg. 48-RST-4C-2

The Perkinsville Road is the main two-lane artery south of Williams, leading to a number of lakes, scenic overlooks, and campgrounds. The road is a pleasant drive through the forests, dotted by small communities of rural homes. Most of the road is paved, until descending south towards the lower valley. It is easily driven; however caution should be made as herds of animals, including grazing sheep, can cross at any point. Respect the posted speed sign; logging trucks and RVs ply the road, and many a rural person reside along its path. Check the weather and road conditions before venturing forth. Winter and monsoon rains can cause hazardous driving conditions. 
From Williams, drive south on Fourth street.  Be careful of the school zone- 15 MPH during school days. Continue up the hill, until you see a utility building on the right. Park in the lot next to the building. The parking area overlooks the AT&SF dam and lake. Across the lake is the old grade, heading south into the canyon. The upper area of the canyon is posted private property. You can walk across the dam, and hike or fish the area (the fish have recently been diagnosed with mercury, best to catch and release.) Looking west from the parking lot,  the high school is visible. The mill site is covered by the school and residential area. 

The Santa Fe Dam. The logging grade is just across the Lake. 
It follows the lake to the south, then enters a canyon along Perkinsville Road. 
If you look carefully, you can still see the roadbed in the canyon. 

The road south becomes Perkinsville Road, which parallels the old roadbed. Numerous forest roads intersect the main road; high clearance four wheel drive is suggested on the side roads. FR140 heads east to Dog Town Reservoir; follow the signs. Camping and fishing are available. 
FR111 goes west to the peak of Bill Williams Mountain. The road is open during the drier months. It is steep, narrow and with many sharp curves.
Coleman Lake can be access by taking FR108 west. Just to the east of the road is a broad open expanse; this is Barney Flats. There are a number of historical features related to the logging operations in this area. Keep in mind that this site has protected status, and any removal or significant disturbance of the artifacts is subject to fines and or imprisonment. At the south end of the open meadow is a visitors parking lot. The historical marker relates to the Civilian Conservation Corps camp that once occupied the site. The camp overlaps some of the logging features. This parking lot can be accessed on FR139 and is easily seen from Perkinsville Road.  
  Past Barney Flats, and up the hill, FR110 branches off, heading east 16 miles to Sycamore Creek Canyon viewpoint. This overlooks part of the Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area, a rugged, undisturbed wilderness stretching south of Williams, then east until bordering on the Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness (north of Sedona, Arizona.) You can see the area from numerous overlooks, accessed by forest trails. Take note that there are no protective handrails along the steep cliffs that mark the rim.   
    A Wilderness area can be accessed by hiking or by horseback. Everything you bring in must be brought out; everything. No motorized vehicles are allowed. This area is rugged, with steep cliffs. Proper planning and preparedness need to be taken, including checking with the Forest Service for information and permits.  
If you continue on Perkinsville Road, you will see a scenic turnoff to the south of the road. This overlooks the valley towards Jerome and Prescott. The road eventually takes you to Perkinsville, located in the Verde River Valley.  If you are very adventurous, the road will take you past Perkinsville and to Jerome. This road will eventually travel the old roadbed of the narrow-gauge railroad. The road is steep, narrow and in several places allows for only one way traffic. Not for the faint of heart, or inexperienced drivers.  As always consult a good map, and plan in advance.   


                                             Somewhere in the vast forest, relics of the past await
                                             discovery. Cherish and respect those who have come
                                             before us.            


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