North Challender Line: Spring Valley Area; Chasing Logging Unicorns
North Challender Line: Spring Valley Area; Chasing logging Unicorns One of the pleasures of field research is visiting old sites and grades; doing a bit of puttering and hiking, and hopefully gaining some useful knowledge. Once in a while, I return to a place that reveals new evidence, yet does not allow for me to come to some definitive conclusions; it's like finding the prints of the fabled logging unicorn, yet destined never to capture a photograph of the mythical creature. The hunt began in the area of Spring Valley, not far from Section Hill. FR141, Spring Valley Road, jogs around several parcels of private land, then heads further north to intersect with FR144. FR194, the area of interest, heads north from FR141, just before making a left-hand jog across the park. The Saginaw and Manistee North Challender line (RED) crosses this area. The line crosses private property, angles through another ranch, and then crosses ...