North Chalender Line; Mount Sitgreaves Spur

NORTH CHALENDER LINE; MOUNT SITGREAVES SPUR AZ GMU 7W FLATLINE MAPS COPYRIGHT; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (5/10/22) Satellite imaging courtesy of Google Maps The North Chalender Line circles around Sitgreaves Mountain, eventually heading East along Spring Valley Road. The old grade can be seen in several locations, however at this point the grade and the road become one. Spur is located East of Twin Tanks; look closely for FR133; just past that on the south side is the turn off for FR U516 . This spur is one of the more predominate remnants of the vast logging operations on Sitgreaves Mountain. Several other spurs once penetrated the flanks of the mountain, yet after 110 years only small, tantalizing sections exist. This particular spur varies from level to a grade that maintains a steady 3%. Near the end, the grade briefly exceeds this. Given the steady and prevailing grade conditions, a standard rod engine would be challenge...