
Showing posts from May 10, 2022


It has been some time since my last post. I have been going in another direction, providing tours for the Planes of Fame Museum in Valle, Arizona. If you're in the area on the weekends, during the summer months, stop by; it will be worth your time. Tours are by appointment during the weekends, so best call the museum number for further information. I have reserved all rights to my information on this Blog, only because a manuscript for a new book has been completed, and will hopefully be going to  the publisher very soon. Writing a book and posting for a blog are almost two different worlds, but somehow after five years of research I hope the my efforts will soon bare fruit.  There are a number of areas I wish to revisit in the field, so additional spurs and updated information will one day be forthcoming. This has been a record setting dry spring, and the forests are as dry as kiln dry lumber. I anticipate that the forests will be closed soon, unless we get early monsoons.